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Hi, welcome to the Microcomputer web site. My name is Darren Grant; this site is dedicated to the world of computers and electronics. I hope you find my web site useful. This site is intended to be a collection of I hope useful information relating to technology, in particular computers and electronics projects.

The 1980's and 90's were the age of the microcomputer. Modern computers with multiple gigabytes of disc space, multiple megabytes of memory and more processing power than supercomputers from a decade ago simply don't have that special magic of an old 8bit or maybe 16bit Micro.

This site is about the thrill of micro computing in the 80's. By modern standards, the microcomputer's of yesteryear were primitive, but there was something about them that made them far more enjoyable than current computing technology. This site is more than a nostalgia trip to the 80's. There are many thousands of people who are trying to preserve the history of computing.

Computers such as those from Acorn, Atari, Commodore & Sinclair are what started the trend for computing in the home.

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 | | BBC Computer | |
 | | Basic | |
 | | 10 PRINT "Microcomputer" | |
 | | 20 GOTO 10 | |
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